People want to utilize their surplus cash in order to improve their financial situation. The stock exchange is an ideal place to do so. Effective stock market investing can complement your earnings, and long-term focused buying can substitute it. Professionals who trade stocks have the right to design from any location and at any time.

They invest in stocks to grow their pension funds, grow their enterprises, and achieve other strategic goals. With the era of digital trading accounts, anyone may now begin trading.

Start Stock Trading in India

Find the right broker

Stocks are traded in India on the following two platforms:

  1. The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) is Asia’s oldest stock exchange, having been founded in 1875.
  2. The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is India’s largest stock exchange, in terms of daily volume traded.

Retail traders must first register with brokerage companies or Depository Participants (DPs) to have access to these markets. Because ordinary investors will buy, store, and sell equities through DPs, it is critical to pick the correct one. They will create ahe user interface for you to interact with the stock market. Opening an electronic 2-in-1 Demat and trading account with Ashika Stock Broking is better because these accounts allow you to trade stocks from the comfort of your own home. An electronic account is particularly advantageous because it allows you to see all of your holdings at a glance.

Certain DPs give registered users real-time market data. Information is money in the stock market, and the most recent research might spell the difference between a winning and a losing trade. As a result, before you begin trading, carefully select your broker or DP.

Once you’ve decided on a DP, keep the following documents close at hand.

Documents Required

To trade stocks, you’ll need a demat account to maintain your holdings digitally and a trading account to make trades. Most DPs provide a demat and trading account in one. The following are the paperwork needed to open such an account:

a) Proof of Permanent Address

b) Identity Verification

c) e-KYC – Some DPs will allow you to electronically link your AADHAR card to your trading account, eliminating the need to manually scan your AADHAR card.

d) Additional information, such as an annual income range, may be needed.

The application process for opening an online demat and trading account with Ashika Stock Broking is simple. The application procedure can be performed entirely online, eliminating the need to deal with mountains of paperwork or stand in long lines. Ashika Stock Broking also delivers cutting-edge data and analysis to its registered users, allowing businesses to stay ahead of the competition. The Ashika Stock Broking interface through Dhanush App is flexible, changing based on the users’ financial goals and risk appetites. The world of stock trading is big and confusing, and an Ashika Stock Broking trading account can help you navigate it.

Difference between trading and investing

Once all of the documents have been provided, the DP will double-check the information and send you the login information. You can now connect to your account and begin trading using this data. You have the option of using one of two strategies:

a) Trading: With this technique, you’ll try to profit from short-term price swings. Intraday traders who close all of their positions by the end of the day, use this technique. The goal is to take huge, voluminous positions and sell at the first sign of a price change.

b) Investing: Unlike trading, investing entails holding your holdings for an extended length of time. The goal is to find undervalued companies, buy their shares, and keep your position in them through the ups and downs of the market.

Conducting background research on a firm

It is critical to undertake a complete background study on a company before purchasing its stock. The following factors should be considered by a trader:

a) The revenue model of the company

b) The stability of the company’s management

b) The company’s rivals, and so forth.

Build a broad portfolio

It is critical to have a diverse portfolio while investing in the stock market. As a trader, you must diversify your portfolio to ensure that it is not overly exposed to the ups and downs of a single industry. Traders should also consider investing in large-cap firms for consistent but low returns, as well as small-cap companies for higher but less predictable profits.


The stock market is a lucrative way to invest that can yield large profits if you adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. With these suggestions in mind, you can start investing in the stock market with the aid of the Dhanush App by Ashika Stock Broking right now!

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